Ultra-precise alignment lasers for mechanical engineering, machine vision systems, and revolutionary optical processors developed by Western companies continue to find their way into Russia despite international sanctions. The Insider has discovered that European companies and citizens are complicit in this process.
Spanish resident supplies calibration lasers to Russia
Roberto Esteves Rodriguez, a resident of Spain, facilitated the import into Russia of ultra-precise T-430 alignment lasers made by the German company Status Pro Maschinenmesstechnik GmbH. These devices are essential for calibrating high-precision metalworking machines.
According to customs data, each unit costs $18,000. Rodriguez not only arranged the shipments but also personally delivered the devices to Russia. The customs documents contained minimal personal information about him, with many fields left blank.
What is the T-430?
The T-430 self-leveling scanning laser is used to check straightness, flatness, and other parameters of machinery. It boasts accuracy of up to 1 micron per meter and positioning precision down to 1 nanometer, making it indispensable for complex metalworking operations.
A Serbian company supplying machine vision lasers
Russian customs data reveals that the Serbian company AgsTeh D.O.O. delivered lasers made by the German firm Z-Laser to Russia. These devices are used in machine vision systems integrated into metalworking equipment and for quality control, defect detection, and sorting applications.
The buyer in Russia was Firma Tvema JSC (АО «Фирма Твема»), which specializes in diagnostic equipment for railway infrastructure. The Insider reached out to Ags Teh D.O.O. for comment, but has not yet received a response.
Z-Laser and its applications
Z-Laser devices produce structured light beams in the form of lines, points, or grids, working in conjunction with industrial cameras. These systems help detect defects and measure dimensions and shapes of parts. Their applications extend beyond metalworking to quality control and defect detection.
U.S. technology reaches Russia via Hong Kong
According to Russian customs data, Hong Kong-based Hadsund International Technology supplied II-VI WaveShaper programmable optical processors from U.S. company Coherent to Russia. These devices, manufactured in Australia, were acquired by Scientific Instruments and Systems LLC (ООО «Научные приборы и системы»), part of the Scientific Equipment group of companies (ГК «Научное оборудование»).
Initially focused on supplying instruments for the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Equipment group has shifted in recent years to working with government agencies. In 2023, the company secured a 589-million-ruble contract to supply an automated measurement complex for NPP Gamma, which services Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) and Interior Ministry.
What is the II-VI WaveShaper?
The WaveShaper optical processor processes signals at frequencies up to several terahertz — dozens of times faster than current electronic solutions. These devices are critical for artificial intelligence, 5/6G communication, and other high-tech industries, including defense.
AgsTeh D.O.O.
According to the Serbian commercial registry, the co-owners of the firm are are Snezhana Elinek and Rostislav Atkov.
The Scientific Equipment group of companies — which includes Scientific Instruments and Systems LLC — has been under U.S. sanctions since May 2024.