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Former Roscosmos head Rogozin wounded in buttock, head and thigh in Donetsk hotel shelling

The Insider

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Former Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin sustained several wounds during a hotel shelling in Donetsk on December 22, reported Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti. Rogozin is currently hospitalized and his life is not in danger.

According to Rogozin's aide, those accompanying him, such as the chairman of the so-called “DPR” government, Vitaly Khotsenko, were also injured.

Independent media outlet Baza reported that Rogozin suffered a soft tissue shrapnel wound to the head, a penetrating shrapnel wound to the buttocks, and a penetrating shrapnel wound to the left hip. Two people were killed and five more wounded as a result of the attack, Baza wrote.

At the time of the shooting, Rogozin was celebrating his birthday in the “Shesh-Besh” restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, said media reports.